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Clarity Quest wins the Health IT Marketing Community’s Agency Website of the Year

By July 1, 2020No Comments

2020 HITMC Award - Winner BadgeIt was a different HITMC Awards experience this year with it being completely online but exciting nonetheless. The 2020 Medigy HITMC Awards honors the outstanding achievements in marketing, PR, and communications in the healthcare and Health IT industries. Three honorees were chosen for each category with categories ranging from the Healthcare Rising Star of the Year, Health IT Marketing Star of the Year, to Agency Website of the Year. 

It is with great pride that we announce that Clarity Quest received the Agency Website of the Year award! We are thrilled to have been an honoree alongside other talented agencies with creative, powerful web presences. Our team has worked diligently to make the CQ website navigable and designed beautifully so that our audience feels comfortable when learning about ways we can bolster their Healthcare tech, biotechnology, and information technology businesses through marketing. 

“Clarity Quest is a deserving winner of a 2020 Medigy HITMC Award” said John Lynn, Chief Editor and Founder at Healthcare Scene, the company behind HITMC. “Together, the 2020 Award Winners are a shining example of the best in healthcare marketing. It is truly inspiring to see what happens when bright, passionate people work together.”

“Sharing knowledge is a core value of our agency. Every day members of our team think of ways to communicate best practices and tips to health IT marketers”, said Christine Slocumb, Clarity Quest’s President. “We’re honored to be named Medigy Health IT Marketing Community’s Best Agency Website.”  

A special thanks to Medigy for sponsoring this event! For a full list of Winners and Honorees for the 2020 Medigy HITMC Awards, please visit the official awards page.

About The HITMC Awards

HITMC is a community – bound together by a passion for and a love of PR, communications and marketing in healthcare and Health IT. The central idea behind HITMC is to bring together all the smart, innovative, and hard-working healthcare professionals so that we can learn from each other. We enable this by creating a culture where sharing, mutual respect and lifting each other up is the norm. The annual HITMC Awards are an embodiment of this ethos. They are meant to celebrate the best individuals and organizations who have elevated healthcare marketing, PR and communications in the past year.

Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris founded Clarity Quest in 2001 and successfully grew the agency for more than 20 years. Clarity Quest is now part of Supreme Group.

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