Blogs are commonplace in today’s Internet savvy business world. More often than not, if a company has a website, they also have an accompanying blog. However, some companies may not grasp the significance of a well-managed blog – one that contains relevant content, is updated regularly (at least once per week), and has educational or interesting information that readers find useful and engaging.
If you’re wondering why a blog is so important to your company, consider these purposes that well-managed blogs often serve:
Enhance your content marketing strategy. A great content marketing strategy is essential to a successful SEO campaign. This involves producing relevant and engaging content and distributing it not only on your blog, but to your social media outlets as well. Your blog can serve as the first stop for your original content, but don’t stop there.
Add to your SEO efforts. To fully optimize your blog posts for SEO, be sure to include a mix of keyword rich and branded backlinks to your site. Be careful not to overpower your post with links, as this will distract some readers or turn them off. Make your content shareable and share-worthy so your readers will distribute it to their social circles.
Build your brand. A blog can be used as the voice of your company. This is a powerful capability, and should be managed carefully and thoughtfully. When blogging, always keep reputation management and brand building in mind.
Show thought leadership. A blog is an excellent medium to highlight your company’s creative thinking, new research, or innovations. Potential clients and customers want to see that you’re an innovator in your respective industry and that you’re thinking to the future.
Build your Google Authorship profile. Use your blog to showcase the brilliant minds that run your organization. People like to see that all members of your company are hard working and developing their own ideas and personal identities.
Drive traffic to your site. By constantly adding new content, Google will re-crawl your site more often and factor your content creation into their ranking algorithm. Also, the more content that’s distributed and shared on social media, the more likely an interested party will find their way to your site.
Express your opinion. Again, be a thought leader. Your blog is the perfect place to contribute original ideas. This is one place where you have complete control over the content.
Address FAQs. FAQs are great ideas for new blog posts. Find common pain points in your industry or things people typically search for, and turn them into new content. If people are already searching for these answers, why not provide the answer yourself?
Start a conversation. Social media is a great way to generate conversations. Ask people for their opinions or reactions to your posts. Don’t be afraid to get controversial! Google likes to see conversations between your business and your engaged audience.
Stay relevant. Regular updates to your blog will help your business stay relevant to your clients and customers and to Google!
For more online marketing insights, visit our healthcare marketing agency’s blog.
Contact Clarity Quest Marketing at 877-887-7611, or fill out our online form to request a quote.
Author: +Brian Shilling
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…