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What’s In Your HIMSS 2016 Rescue Box?

By December 8, 2015April 15th, 2019No Comments

The HIMSS 2016 conference will be held February 29 – March 4 at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.

Whether this is your first industry event or you’re a veteran trade show exhibitor, careful planning is essential for getting the most out of your HIMSS16 experience. Start planning your trip now with our HIMSS Rescue List. Get tips for planning your trip to Las Vegas, stocking up on “must-have” items in your trade show booth, and preventing last-minute emergencies!

Tips for Planning Your Trip and Navigating Las Vegas

Essential Items for your HIMSS Booth

  • Office Supplies: Colored pens, highlighters, Sharpies™, index cards, Post-it™ Notes, rubber bands, stapler, glue, duct tape, clear packing tape, generic business cards (in case someone runs out)
  • Organization: Ziploc™ bags, trash bags, paper towel
  • Health: Breath mints, gum, dental floss, tissues, cough drops, first aid kit, hand sanitizer, hydration powder packs
  • Electronics: Extension cord, electric plug bar, universal converter charger and wall plug, universal cell phone charging cables
  • Tools: Box cutter, all-in-one tool, scissors

Additional Recommended HIMSS Supplies

  • Office Supplies: Mechanical pencils, paper clips, zip-ties, envelopes, stamps, address labels, Wite-Out™
  • Health: Lip balm, tweezers, spare contact case, contact solution, compact mirror, eye drops, hand lotion, reader glasses, hygiene items, energy bars
  • Emergency: Umbrella, small bills and change for vending machines, mini sewing kit, safety pins, USB compatible thumb drive with original collateral PDFs stored, contact information for all booth personnel and booth hardware vendor, flip flops for sore feet

We hope you enjoy your experience at HIMSS 2016! Feel free to share your additional travel and trade show tips in the comments section below.

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Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris founded Clarity Quest in 2001 and successfully grew the agency for more than 20 years. Clarity Quest is now part of Supreme Group.

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