I first discovered Robin Arzón last winter on my Peloton spin cycle app. Just by chance I picked her class over the hundreds of others in the library. The first 45-minute class almost made me faint (do one, you’ll see), but I came back for more. I tried other instructors but I keep coming back.
In addition to be a cycle instructor, Robin is an ultramarathoner, magazine editor, motivational speaker, and more. She left a lucrative career as a corporate attorney to pursue a career which she loves. I feel a karma with her – we both went to Villanova, we both left corporate jobs to do something we love. Her mantra: “Do Epic S**t” (without the asterisks, but my 12-year old daughter reads this).
I picked up a copy of Robin’s book “Shut Up and Run” because I thought it would motivate me as a I transition from my summer exercise love of swimming to less beloved speed walking and spin cycling. But I found it speaking to me in so many other ways as I thought of leading this agency, brainstorming for clients, and trying to do kick-ass stuff everyday.
What if your thoughts for creating every #marketing campaign started with “Do Epic S**t”? Share on XSo many of the inspirational thoughts and training tactics in the book can help the next time you are creatively blocked trying to write amazing messaging or a grabby headline.
Robin’s Advice | In Running | In Marketing |
Do You | The definition of “fly gear” is super subjective. Wear what motivates you, listen to your beats.
The most amazing marketing headline will fall flat if you don’t breathe it and live it. The Chevy Bolt will never be a Tesla. |
Grind Now. Shine Later. | You gotta log the miles in order to perform on race day. There are no short cuts. | Sure the creative parts of marketing are super fun. But lots of good marketing is hard and sweaty.
The Excuses That Limit You are the Ones You Accept | Can’t run because you’re diabetic? Robin does – read the book. | Stop blaming sales, analytics flaws, & tracking challenges for marketing failures. Own it. And fight for the budget you need to meet objectives, don’t just accept a number.
The World is Your Playground | Mixing it up motivates – urban, track, field or canyon. | Don’t spend 12 hours a day only thinking about your product, your service. Get out of the hospital, the factory. Heck, the best marketing headline may come to you when you’re running! |
What if your bar on every ad campaign, every case study, and all creative design was “Do Epic S**t”?
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…