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Marketing Tips

Use Prezly for Press Release Creation and Distribution

By November 30, 2014No Comments

logo-mtotwPress releases are an essential part of any marketing strategy and with Prezly they can be made easier. Using Prezly, you can embed multimedia in your online press release including large attachments like high-resolution images and audio.  After embedding this multimedia, Prezly will track the traffic coming in from links on social media and display them within your press release making it stronger. Prezly also offers the option to create a press room for your company that fits your company’s personality and then you can link to that pressroom using your own domain and embed it into your website. Distribution of press releases becomes easier with Prezly too. With Prezly, you can send your contacts an automatically generated email that contains the summary, contact information, and preview of your assets found in the press release. Prezly also takes care of social media distribution, so there is no hassle with logging into multiple accounts. Finally an important aspect of Prezly is the analytics they can provide to your company about your press release campaigns including: who opens emails, how often links are clicked and which ones, and so much more helpful information. If you are interested in Prezly visit their site and start your 15 day free trial!

Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris founded Clarity Quest in 2001 and successfully grew the agency for more than 20 years. Clarity Quest is now part of Supreme Group.

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