Vine – one of the latest social media apps – is a video creation application that allows users to record 6-second videos to share on Twitter and Facebook. The goal of the short, looping videos is to inspire creativity – much like Twitter’s famous 140 character Tweet limit. Video only records while your finger is on the screen, making it easy to create stop motion videos and fit more content into the 6-second video.
While Vine may sound like a fun app to download for personal use, you may want to consider utilizing Vine for business purposes. There are a number of creative ways to promote your business, events, or products using Vine. Consider the following list to help you get started. For a full list of ideas and examples, see this post on Social Media Examiner.
1. Give a virtual tour of your office. Do you have a really cool office space that would attract new talent? Try posting a video to showcase what makes your office or work environment so special. If you have a store, use video to entice customers to visit.
2. Let people know about your events. Whether you have a booth at a tradeshow, are volunteering at a local charity, or are hosting your monthly team-bonding event, show people you are active and involved. This will help people connect to your business and help your company build a brand image.
3. Highlight your product line or brands. The easy stop-start function of Vine videos makes it easy to showcase multiple products in one video.
4. Give a sneak peek of a new product. Do you have a new product coming soon? Generate buzz and excitement by giving your followers a sneak peek.
5. Show off your latest project. If you’re proud of your latest project, show it off!
6. Create a mini-advertisement. If you have a TV ad that is working well, post a condensed version to Vine. Consider promoting a special offer or contest for your loyal social media followers.
Vine makes it easy to share vides to Twitter and Facebook to maximize exposure. As with any other marketing content, be creative, tell a story, and engage with your audience. Vine is currently available for download on iPhone and iPod touch.
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Author: +Brian Shilling
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…