The newest social media game-changer, Pinterest, has generated over 3 million unique visitors since its start this past fall. Pinterest lets users share and organize their favorite images, products, and creative ideas into a virtual pin board. Due to the exceptional popularity of Pinterest, businesses are seizing the opportunity to take advantage of it in order to improve their company’s strategic marketing strategy. Since every pinned item on Pinterest includes a link back to its source, your company can exponentially increase its website traffic by becoming a popular Pinterest user. Whether your company be a web design firm, restaurant, creative advertising agency, or technology business, if it has visual appeal, it can capitalize on Pinterest’s success. By following these three steps below, businesses can learn how to fully utilize Pinterest to enhance their business’s image and brand.
1. Update Your Board Often: First, companies need to know that there will be a sizeable time investment in becoming a popular Pinterest user. Pinterest boards only gain a significant following if content is updated regularly and posts are of interests to users. Content should not solely promote your company’s products, but should have valuable and intriguing information followers can get excited about. Post exciting industry advice, images of newsworthy happenings, or aesthetically pleasing designs that have become trendy in your business’s sector. Never forget that social media’s purpose is to build relationships between you and the market. Pay attention to what the market wants, and how your board can best address their demands.
2. Build Beneficial Relationships: Building relationships with the most popular Pinterest users is a central way to increase your board’s popularity. Simply by investing time in the right users, your company can gain hundreds of new followers and become a buzz worthy board. Take note of which boards get the most comments, repins, and likes, and reach out to them to form a mutually beneficial relationship.
3. Make Your Board Attractive: Pinterst is all about visual appeal. By creating a simple, easy to follow, and aesthetically pleasing board, followers will be more likely to pay attention to its content. Also, in order to solidify your brand’s image, match the look and feel of your board with that of your company website, and other pages, profiles, and logos your business has. Creating brand image continuity is always a key part of your marketing strategy that will help potential consumers feel more familiar with and therefore develop more positive attitudes towards your brand.
*Note: Pinterest membership is by invitation only.
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Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…