Here’s the last part in our “Marketing Tips for Tech” series. Hope you enjoyed it – feel free to ask your own tips or ask us questions.
12) Consistent and pervasive branding. Your company’s logo and URL should be on all documents to make sure that your clients and prospective clients know who you are and with what company you are affiliated. Consider is putting a signature at the end of all emails including replies and forwards. Be careful not to embed too many graphics into the signature as it alerts some spam filters. And don’t forget to trademark and copyright appropriate materials. If you want to be really coordinated, have your marketing firm create a simple style guide which outlines how and when to use your corporate marks.
To find companies hitting your site you can use two free services –Google Analytics or StatCounter. While these services are free you do have to manually search which people looked at your website unless you create custom scripts. Nevertheless, it is a top choice for a free customer base service. Another service is LeadLander, Visitortrack by NetFactor or LoopFuse. They are more expensive choices, costing $1,900 to $4,800 per year; however they provide you with customizable automated detailed lead reports, ties into Jigsaw and LinkedIn databases, and customized email alerts.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…