When creating a content marketing strategy, don’t forget to include strategically designed visual communications in your content plan. Visuals are a great tool to effectively speak to busy executives who don’t have time to read lengthy articles or whitepapers. These people need quick, attention grabbing information to peak their interest. If they are impressed, lead them to a link that provides more details. On top of that, visuals are easy to share and are very social media friendly, which helps you to get a lot of bang for your marketing buck.
Visuals aren’t just for B2C companies. Busy B2B decision makers need to be captivated by your content and see that you are a thought leader. In a competitive B2B landscape, effective visual communications and creative design can be your company’s foot in the door.
The most important step in developing an effective marketing communications strategy is to evaluate the content you have available for use and determine which media form is best for delivering your message to your most valued target audience. Visuals may not always be the best format for each message or target audience, but they should be included as an option in your content marketing strategy.
High quality photos, videos, infogrpahics, memes, and other visually stimulating content can all be worked into an effective search engine optimization marketing strategy. Make sure visuals contain high-quality design elements, a strategically targeted message, and are branded with corporate logos to promote brand awareness. Equally important to the success of a visual is the distribution strategy. Facebook isn’t the only social media outlet on which to promote your content. Consider other social channels and niche sites to most accurately reach your target demographic.
Infographics are a great PR tool and can help establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. Make infographics easy to share by providing social sharing icons or embed code. A simple, informative, thought provoking infographic that is easy to share has the best chance of being distributed throughout social media channels.
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Author: +Chris Slocumb
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…