Google’s latest algorithm updates – Panda and Penguin – may have left some businesses feeling perplexed as to why their site was penalized. Some of the black hat SEO tactics targeted by Panda and Penguin include backlink stuffing, duplicate content, hidden links, low quality and unnatural links and other potential spamming techniques that Google deems as over-optimization.
If you want to remain safe from Google search ranking penalties in the future, follow these simple tips for SEO best practices:
1. Provide original content. The first step to great online marketing is a great website. Your website should be a helpful resource for your visitors and potential customers searching for information about your business. Original, high-quality content will keep visitors on your site longer, and will keep them coming back for more. Never post duplicate content to your site. Websites using this bad practice were among the hardest hit by the Panda update.
2. Build quality backlinks. Everyone knows backlinks are great for SEO. However, it is important to observe the quality over quantity rule for link building, especially after the Penguin update penalized heavily for bad link building practices. Before submitting a link to a directory, make sure that site has a high page rank and has not been associated with any black hat tactics.
3. Choose keywords wisely. Avoid harmful keyword stuffing by developing a diverse set of targeted keywords for your SEO campaign. Use free tools like Google Analytics to test different keyword combinations and options. After developing a set of keywords, implement them into your website copy and original content strategically and ethically to avoid any future penalties.
For advice on SEO best practices and SEO services, contact a Michigan marketing agency. Visit our blog, or contact Clarity Quest today at 877-887-7611. Request a quote.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…