More and more people are turning to article posts in order to build back links to their website. Here are our favorite article directories:
1. Ezinearticles – They are the strictest and only allow backlinks in the author signature area, but articles posted on this site get great pickup. You can also track stats.
2. Article Alley – Allows 2 backlinks in the actual article body.
3. Go Articles – Promotional links are OK in the Author Bio area.
4. Article Snatch – Allows up to 3 backlinks in the author area.
Also be sure to check for directories in your product or service niche. We have an attorney client that gets great pickup off posts to Also consider turning your written posts into videos. It’s easier than you think. We’ll cover video articles in a future post.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…