Public Relations

My top LinkedIn post EVER had nothing to do with marketing

My average LinkedIn post gets 50-200 views and a few likes. I get a few more if I include a personal video.

But they don’t hold a candle to what’s come to be known here at Clarity Quest as “The Fish Post” which had almost 3,000 views, 54 likes, and more than a dozen comments. Connections I had not heard from in years commented on the post, and one resulted in a deal!

The “Fish Post” origin story

I’ve been trying to get my husband kayaking for years but he has a bad back. He finally agreed on one condition: we would use pedal kayaks and fish! Before investing in our own gear we went out with a guide in Rhode Island to a local lake starting at 5am. 🙁

The bite was not great that day but I did catch a little crappie and our amazing guide Dustin snapped a photo. Fun!

Why I posted the photo

I was waiting in the lobby of my local car repair shop and I was bored. I thought it would get a few laughs from our employees and my friends. It’s not the most flattering photo. Boy was I shocked when it got as much attention as it did.

Why I think the post was so popular

I’d love our readers’ opinions on this. Here are a few I came up with:

  1. You don’t expect a female marketing CEO to post a photo with fish. Just sayin’. It’s odd, it’s unexpected, and it’s quirky.
  2. It shows a side of me that very few people get to see. As a female executive, I’m probably too careful about only posting super professional images. It’s a fine line that women CEOs have to walk. But we do have lives outside of work and it doesn’t take away from the fact we kick ass in the business.
  3. A lot of people like to fish. More than 44 million people in the U.S. are recreational anglers making this hobby second only to jogging in terms of popular outdoor activities. During the pandemic, “social fishtancing” became a thing. Who knew?

What’s next

The lakes in southeast CT have ice on them now and I’m not into freezing my limbs off. So stay tuned this April. I’m on a hunt for the 3-pound bass I lost in November. He’s out there and I know which log he lives under.

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Chris Slocumb

Chris founded Clarity Quest in 2001 and successfully grew the agency for more than 20 years. Clarity Quest is now part of Supreme Group.