Mark you calendars for May 3rd and 4th because the American Marketing Association of Connecticut (AMA-CT) will be holding a new professional development opportunity – “Marketing Planning Boot Camp”. This event, to be held in Hartford, Connecticut, will split participants into small groups where they will be given a case study company in need of a new marketing plan. A marketing plan development expert will oversee each group’s creation of an effective, unique, high quality marketing strategy. Participants will leave this two-day boot camp with extensive knowledge about how to develop, execute, and measure highly intricate and successful marketing plans, including how to create a situation analysis, competitor analysis, marketing objectives, target marketing, positioning, mix marketing approaches, and action plans. This event is intended for marketing professionals, business managers, and entrepreneurs with a basic understanding of marketing. This boot camp will be held at the UCONN School of Business (Graduate Business Learning Center, 100 Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103) on May 3 and 4. Register now before space is full here.
Find out about more CT marketing and business events from a CT marketing company. Visit our blog, or contact Clarity Quest today at 877-887-7611. Request a quote.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…