Did you know 90% of buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review, but just 20% of companies even consider using reviews in their marketing mix? Even fewer use customer-generated content.
TechValidate, a division of SurveyMonkey, allows companies to quickly survey their clients to generate persuasive content that will be respected by peer buyers. We found TechValidate through our partnership with Act-On when they asked us to fill out a customer satisfaction survey in order to participate in upcoming user group events.
You can think of this company as an email-based survey engine (and portal) that helps enterprises to rapidly gather data from their customer base – then turn that data into marketing materials filled with stats. Response rates are a surprisingly solid 20-25%.
Annual subscriptions start at $30,000 per year and depend on the number of contacts in your outreach database.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…