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Marketing Tips

Just Why Can’t We Jump Off the Stratosphere?

By October 14, 2016April 5th, 2019No Comments

We’re sponsoring attendee badge lanyards at the HITMC conference in April 2017. Rather than do the boring thing and put our logo on the lanyards, we wanted to do something different. Our team came up with a great marketing idea.  We were going to sponsor a contest and the winners were going to leap off the Stratosphere SkyFall jump with me.

Sounds great, right? Think of the photos, videos and social media shares. Plus it had the added bonus of relationship building. Win, win, win in marketing circles.

Not So Fast

This ride has been in operation since 2010 and the Stratophere obviously has adventure insurance to cover the ride. But you should have heard my insurance agency when I even broached the subject of whether my general liability insurance would cover this or if I could get event insurance. Our current agency even threatened to pull our general liability insurance if we went through with it – ouch.

Smash Through Legal Brick Walls

This story is just one example of how legal issues impinge on the creativity of marketing. It happens all the time in every industry, but especially in highly-regulated industries such as finance and healthcare.

Too often I see legal roadblocks lead to creative bottlenecks and depressive episodes in marketing and PR departments. Creativity is HARD and human nature likes excuses.

Don't let legal roadblocks lead to creative bottlenecks and #marketing depression. Smash them down. Share on X

Don’t succumb to the temptation. Don’t give into excuses. You need to view these events as brick walls to smash through on your road to creativity.

We’re now working on a new lanyard campaign idea that has just as much social sharing and marketing impact as the SkyFall idea, without medical liability. Stay tuned.

Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris founded Clarity Quest in 2001 and successfully grew the agency for more than 20 years. Clarity Quest is now part of Supreme Group.

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