Everyone has their own best practices and tools for getting the job done. Some include holding onto their iPhone for dear life or learning how to stay organized even during the chaotic times. Our recurring segment “It Works for Me” will feature business professionals sharing their secrets on how they get the job done. Next up is President of Clarity Quest Marketing, Chris Slocumb.
Company Name: Clarity Quest Marketing
Job Title: President
Where do you live? Mystic, CT
Where do you work? Mystic, CT in an amazingly restored old mill building.
What is your office environment like? Our agency shares office space with a software services company and startup so there’s always action and energy, which I love. I have a private office because I have one of the loudest phone voices in history. It comes with growing up in Jersey. My current office is the first one I’ve really decorated – I have fun mod furniture from CB2, Poppin and IKEA. My Dutch Colonial house is really traditional, so I like mod style in the office for a change of pace.
What technology do you use at work? MacBook Retina Laptop, iPhone 5s, Canon printer.
What technology do you use at home? Kindle Fire – I’m addicted to Amazon Prime.
On a scale of 1 (never) to 10 (always), how often are you connected to your smartphone? 8 – I turn it off during yoga and running. I’ve just got to the point in the past 2 years where I can turn it off for most of vacation. Pure bliss.
What is your favorite organizational tool? Google Calendars – I have one setup for every member of our family. Chauffeuring my daughter and her ever-changing sports and activity schedule is my most complicated scheduling challenge.
What is the latest website/app/tool you are obsessed with at the moment? Roojoom – It’s a great easy way to aggregate and share your content in a novel format. I need all the help I can get in repurposing content – writing takes me awhile.
Can you recommend a book? Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff. The guy is brazen (but what investment banker isn’t?), however, he has some great points about the neuroscience involved in getting people to tune in. If you sell or pitch, it’s a must read.
What’s your best time management tip? Stop checking email and hold your calls for blocks each day. Block it on your calendar and stick to it.
What’s the strangest thing in your office? Seaweed snacks – yes, I actually like them.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…