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Is your B2B marketing boring? Gen Z will let you know.

We have a diversified mix of generations inside the Clarity Quest team and Supreme Group. Many of our employees saw the launch of Atari, NES, the bag phone, the Nokia brick (throwback to the Snake game, amirite?), iPod, iPhone and more.

That’s only hardware advancement; don’t get us started on the launch of ChaCha, the WWW (World Wide Web), Google and MySpace (PLEASE leave your page song in the comments if you remember it!).

Our health tech marketing agency has been around the block regarding technological and communicative advancements spanning the Boomer, Gen X, Millennial and now Gen Z generations. It got us thinking: what will B2B marketing for Gen Z mean?

Buying decisions go digital

In addition to the technology and communications advancements we have witnessed, we have also watched how buying decisions have become more digitally centralized.

As worn out the conversation around COVID may be, there is no denying that it forced the healthcare industry, which has notoriously lagged a decade behind in the marketing realm, to catch up to a world that has taken to a continual push towards digital centricity.

Combine that with a new generation of professionals with buying power who have minds and communication styles that are more focused on social media and the internet, and your business could find itself in a precarious position.

Never fear, though; we are here to teach and advise on adaptations that need to be considered to digitize your marketing practices further. While Gen Z is breaking the purchasing threshold, there is still plenty of time to enhance B2B marketing for Gen Z and accommodate new-age purchasing tendencies.

Screen time by the numbers

Slicktext, the #1 rated SMS marketing service, provided the industry with a jam-packed report comprising skyrocketing numbers related to screen time, social media use and the most popular internet activities and search portals based on age groups. Here are some of the details that stood out.

Additionally, the report states that Gen Z is among the worst screen time offenders, and they are well aware of this. Among those polled, 76% of Gen Z stated that they know they spend “too much” time on their phones. Another statistic showed that 7+ hours of the time is spent viewing video content. Social media, video viewing and overall screen time are how many future decision makers’ days are spent.

Future LinkedIn buyers

You may have noticed that an entire social media outlet is missing above, but don’t worry; we have you covered with all those usage numbers as well. Skillademia recently published a blog outlining 10 LinkedIn Stats Every Marketer Should Know in 2024. The stats were enlightening, especially compared to the usage numbers listed above.

  • The average LinkedIn user spends 7 minutes and 38 seconds per visit, visiting approximately 7 pages per session.
    • Consider the above plus Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. While these are aggregate daily numbers, you can assume the check-in frequency is 3-5 times per day or more. The same can be said for LinkedIn, which is ranked as a strong contender for traffic daily.
  • 65M LinkedIn users are business decision-makers.
  • 60% of LinkedIn users are between the ages of 25-34 and actively developing their professional careers.
  • LinkedIn has 2x higher conversion rates through its marketing and sales channels.
  • Finally, 80% of marketers say ads are providing the best results.

If you have not absorbed anything from this blog until now, let the culmination of stats leading to the last point above sink in … Buyers, including Gen Z, are on social media, and 80% of marketers report that LinkedIn Ads are providing the best results. That makes LinkedIn indispensable for B2B marketing to Gen Z.

In a recent post, we provided an overview of LinkedIn advertising mistakes to avoid. Notably, we understand that LinkedIn B2B display ad spending is expected to total $4.56B in 2024.

As activity, budgets and the need for personalized activity and user-generated content continue to increase, it is imperative that posting and advertising mistakes are mitigated from the start. That said, it’s prudent to examine at how Gen Z continues to impact the LinkedIn platform and their interaction habits.

LinkedIn and Gen Z

According to LinkedIn, “Gen Z is the fastest growing global audience demographic on LinkedIn, whose spending power is continuing to grow rapidly. They are career-focused and ambitious, and they are looking for brands they can trust and promote their own success.”

Another LinkedIn statistic shows that 80% of Gen Z LinkedIn users are interested in following more companies and Organizations on LinkedIn.

Furthermore, 75% say that companies and organizations post valuable content on their LinkedIn pages. It is huge to hear from a generation that is ambitious, tech-savvy, conscious of personal and well-socialized content and equally interested in advancing their careers and trades. This generation exudes connectivity, brand advocacy and the desire to know more. Those characteristics will manifest in their buying decisions when the time comes.

On the topic of making purchases at the right time, LinkedIn also reported that 31% of Gen Z users actively use their platform to find products to purchase. We can only expect that, as their careers and professional positioning grow, the percentage of users using the platform to purchase will grow, too. As tool usage and screen time continue to increase, it adds new focus to B2B marketing for Gen Z. The key will be saturating this growing audience with your brand and solutions.

What Gen Z’s digital habits teach us all

So, what do these outlets, statistics, insights and growing numbers reveal? We are dealing with real people generating and seeking user-created content. The images, posts and especially video are (or should be) all personalized outreaches that can drive value around an important aspect of that individual’s life.

Whether personal or professional, the user approached the platform with passion, impact and a desire to share or learn from a message. Regarding Generation Z, this is what they are looking for now more than ever.

As you are likely viewing this blog on our website or a link from our LinkedIn page (on your phone, maybe? 😉 ), don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions this may have spurred. Whether you want to discuss digital strategy or generally inquire, we are here to chat – or subscribe to our newsletter for an additional dose of monthly Clarity.

Dalton Patterson

Author Dalton Patterson

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