Have you ever wondered how much revenue you’re missing out on by not ranking on page one of Google? During a recent Marketo webinar, Paul Taylor, Founder and CEO of Webmarketing123, shared his insights on how to calculate the potential revenue missed by not ranking on page one of Google for your company’s important search phrases.
Paul was kind enough to share his ideas with the webinar attendees, so we would like to pass along his findings to the readers of our blog. To calculate the annual cost of not ranking on page one of Google, follow his process, outlined below:
If you don’t have specific rates and metrics for your company, try using industry averages as a starting point. An estimation of your monthly cost of not ranking on Google can provide a great insight to drive future marketing strategy decisions.
This process also highlights the importance of keeping detailed analytics at every process of the sales funnel. Knowing these numbers can help your business make sound decisions in the future that may impact the success of the company.
Go ahead and run these calculations for your company. You may be surprised by what you find. If you’re not the business owner or a decision maker, show your findings to your boss. He or she may be quite impressed!
Check back to our site for a case study about the potential revenue from Google rankings, coming soon. To learn how an outsource marketing agency can help your company, contact Clarity Quest Marketing today at 877-887-7611, or fill out our online form to request a quote.
Author: +Chris Slocumb
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…