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Marketing Strategy

How do you de-mystify a product that seems too good to be true?

By August 6, 2024No Comments

Let’s be honest—life sciences and healthcare product marketing can be tough, especially in an industry where the stakes are high, and decisions can cost millions.

Another challenge is that products in our industry are often complex and may seem “too good to be true” to potential buyers. This skepticism can be a significant barrier to adoption, even when your product truly offers groundbreaking benefits.

To overcome this, it’s crucial to demystify your product and build trust with your audience. But, how?

Give your product credibility

Would you buy something that seems “too good to be true” without knowing if others have had positive experiences with it? Probably not. And especially not if you’re a large health system considering purchasing a solution that costs millions of dollars.

This is why giving your product credibility via testimonials from clients is crucial.

We get it—getting your clients to speak openly about your product or service can be extremely difficult, especially when dealing with healthcare organizations. They have more red tape to navigate and hurdles to jump through than other industries, but it’s a game-changer to show that real people and organizations trust your product.

We often encounter organizations that give testimonials but don’t want to be explicitly named. While it’s preferable to include identifiable details, anonymized testimonials are still valuable.

Clear and honest messaging

When a product seems “too good to be true” (and really, always), transparency is key.

Honesty in your messaging helps build trust. If you anticipate common concerns or questions potential customers might have, address them upfront. Provide clear and comprehensive information about your product, including its features, benefits, and any potential limitations.

If your product is complex (they usually are in life sciences and healthcare product marketing), break down the information into easily digestible parts. Use simple language, infographics, and visual aids to explain how your product or service works. Simplifying complex information can help show potential customers that there is a method behind the madness and that it’s not too good to be true.

Note: Stay consistent. Ensure your messaging is the same across all channels—whether it’s your website, social media, or email campaigns, the information should be uniform and reflect the same level of honesty and transparency.

Detailed supporting content

Create a series of educational blog posts that delve into different aspects of your product. These posts should educate your audience about the product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.

This content should support every part of your buyers’ journey. For the awareness stage, create content that clearly highlights the problems your product solves. In the consideration stage, offer comparisons and case studies that show how your product stands out from the competition. Finally, for the decision stage, provide detailed demonstrations and user testimonials that help prospects feel confident about purchasing your product or service.

Pro tip: Use your testimonials throughout!

Make healthcare product marketing easy

Properly demystifying your “too good to be true” products requires thorough and comprehensive marketing, and working with a healthcare tech marketing agency can make it easy.

Our content marketing team is ready to help you create targeted, engaging content that educates and builds trust with your audience.

Rayna Southart

Author Rayna Southart

Rayna is a skilled and creative Content Marketing Manager at Clarity Quest. When she's not crafting killer content, you can find her devouring podcasts and good books. To learn more about Rayna's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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