Have you ever had an experience where a common trait or experience helped to transcend a cultural divide? Who knew that marketing could be one of those things.
I had one of those experiences last week. The University of Michigan’s international entrepreneurship program was hosting a group of business people from around the world and looking for local Ann Arbor marketing agencies to discuss best business practices with some of the participants. Clarity Quest was matched with Asmaa, a young marketing professional from Cairo, Egypt.
When Asmaa arrived at our office in the morning, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know her experience level or what she wanted to gain from her time with me. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that she had substantial marketing experience and had recently been named a Partner at her firm!
We were quickly comparing websites and services and bouncing ideas back and forth. It was a great collaboration. She even offered some insights into doing business in the Middle East. (Clarity Quest Dubai office?)
We have many of the same product offerings and face many of the same challenges –growing pains, office expansions, client management, and tough business decisions. But to be fair, the challenge of running a successful marketing agency amid a national revolution doesn’t quite compare to anything we’ve experienced stateside.
Asmaa and I also discussed daily life in our respective countries. We hold many of the same family values and goals, both personal and professional. On our walk to lunch she even commented that she loved the Michigan weather. I’ve never heard anyone say that on a rainy, blustery Ann Arbor day. I guess there is a first time for everything.
We often get so caught up in what’s happening within the four walls of our office that we forget there’s a whole world outside to explore and experience. Take the time to get to know someone new and learn something in the process. A little perspective can go a long way.
It was a true pleasure meeting Asmaa and I wish her and her team at Lojine Consulting all the best!
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…