We are getting many inquiries in the past month from prospects looking for social media and interactive marketing campaigns. Paul Dunay’s blog Buzz Marketing for Technology had a great entry on how to choose a social media agency given this marketing area just hasn’t been around that long. Here’s Paul’s advice…
Now that we are beginning to feel the relief of the economic uncertainty that has been hanging around us for the past few months, I am beginning to hear a lot about the invention of some new roles inside organizations looking to get “social media”. Typically this means hire someone who knows our “space” really well and someone who is an expert in social media. Well it’s the latter part that is the hard part. Consider that in Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book Outliers: The Story of Success So if you practice Social Media on the job for a few hours a day, let’s say 3 hours a day learning more about social media and 2 hours a day practicing social media times 5 days a week that means you could become a social media master in 7.6 years. Throw in the weekends and that drops to 5.5 years! But wait, social media hasn’t been around that long! So since you can’t hire an expert, what qualities would make for a good social media marketer? Here are 4 macro competences to look for: 1) Story telling – in social media you need to tell good stories, stories that people will be attracted to, identify with and want to share. Story telling is key! 2) Packaging – they need to be able to package the stories up and be able to make them shareable this means the content can be found in a variety of media forms not just one. 3) Reach – they need to know how to reach people with their content, the more forms the better. So that means they need to be fluent in many social media sites. 4) Measure – and finally the hardest part for most people is the measurement of the effectiveness of the media and the efficiency of the story being spread in those media.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…