There is no question that we live in a multi-platform, mobile world today. The adoption of Internet-connected mobile devices has risen dramatically over the past few years – and there are no signs of a slow down. Mobile phone usage is close to ubiquitous in North America. With 148 million Americans owning smartphones and 72 million owning tablets, 2014 is shaping up to be a huge year for mobile.
Smartphones and tablets are no longer just “on the go” devices, and the increasing amount of Internet usage via mobile is facilitating the seamless integration of mobile devices into consumers’ lives. Already, more than half of the digital population in the U.S. uses multiple devices to access the Internet, meaning they are no longer desktop-only users. We have reached a tipping point, and sooner or later, the majority of consumers will be multi-platform users.
The ever-increasing time being spent on mobile devices – and the mobile Web – has significant implications for how marketers must approach their 2014 strategies. Our technology marketing agency believes there has never been a better time to capitalize on and invest in mobile, and it is critical for marketers to embrace the always-connected, mobile consumer in order to engage potential customers through various mobile methods.
One of the most critical areas of mobile to focus on this year is making the most of mobile apps. Mobile apps are consumers’ main gateway to the mobile Web and 85% of the total time spent on mobile devices takes place within apps. Apps are a crucial way to build your brand, provide information, communicate with consumers, and encourage loyalty, all through a seamless user experience. Engaging the consumer, however, can’t happen without effectively marketing the app to ensure that your target consumer will make room for it among the dozens already cluttering their device. With more than 100 million apps in the Apple App Store, marketers can turn to social ads to drive interest. Last year, Facebook’s mobile app ads reportedly drove more than 145 million installs.
Beyond the installation step, it is the consumer experience within the branded app that matters in the long run. Conversion events like signups or in-app purchases are crucial to a brand’s success. Marketers can achieve these desired behaviors using Facebook mobile app ads that deliver a specific call to action and utilize Facebook’s sophisticated targeting software. Every mobile marketer should also keep their eye on Twitter’s App Cards. Though they aren’t true ads, the App Cards offer marketers more control over targeting and driving app installs among a highly mobile audience.
For more expert advice on mobile marketing, app development, or mobile web design, contact our certified healthcare technology marketing agency. Call 877-887-7611 or visit for more information.
Author: +Brian Shilling
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…