I recently read a post by the CEO of one of our vendors who thought his main job was to create processes and hire bright folks to take over every area he handles today. Studying successful leaders heading up super happy cultures over the past few years, I’ve noticed one common thread: superstar CEOs delegate constantly and consistently.
Yet many leaders continue to perform tasks that even an intern could handle because a) they feel the task will be done incorrectly, b) the processes to complete the task are in their head and not documented, or c) training is not in place to ensure team members continue to grow and learn.
Upon introspection, I came to the conclusion I was handling far too much in the accounting area. Over the past five years, I’ve done a pretty good job at creating processes, training employees and turning over even high-level strategy work, but I’ve kept a tight reign on tasks involving monetary transactions. One of my main goals for 2017 is to get my “accounting time” under two hours per month so I can focus more on strategy, thought leadership and business development for the agency.
Here’s my process for taking the risk out of delegation.
In 2017 what can you delegate to give you more time to work on strategy, projects that excite you, and work-life balance?
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…