Google recently created a certification program for agencies that help businesses succeed online. Agencies that meet certain quality requirements and pass the necessary exams are now eligible to become official Google Partners.
Clarity Quest Marketing has earned the Google Partners badge by passing a series of Google AdWords certification exams in both Advertising Fundamentals and Advanced Search practices, demonstrating exceptional knowledge and understanding of the Google AdWords advertising platform best practices, maintaining above-average campaign performance, and providing outstanding customer care.
Clarity Quest is proud to be an official Google Partner. We are available to help your healthcare, technology, or professional services company with online marketing, pay-per-click advertising, marketing strategy, branding, messaging, outsource marketing, and many other marketing services.
Please call our healthcare technology marketing agency today at 877-887-7611 to request a quote, or visit us online at for more information.
Author: +Brian Shilling
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…