Google’s newest AdWords addition allows advertisers to include images relevant to their business directly in PPC ads. The Image Extension, currently in beta mode, allows advertisers to take an even larger piece of the SERP real estate.
By combining a number of available ad extensions – Call, Social, Location, and Sitelinks to name a few – one ad can take up a sizable portion of the SERP. Extensions make ads look more complete, provide more helpful information, and attract more clicks than text ads without extensions.
Just as Google Authorship has been shown to attract attention to organic search results, the Image Extension is predicted to attract more attention to paid search results.
However, the Image Extension won’t be useful for all businesses. Google says that ads will only display images when they will add value to the search.
Although Image Extensions may be beneficial to pay-per-click advertisers, they may spell trouble for organic results. With a larger portion of the page taken by ads, organic results will be pushed farther down the page, making it even more important to secure the top two organic results to remain above the fold.
Clarity Quest Marketing is a Google AdWords Certified Partner. For more information on our PPC advertising services, contact our healthcare technology marketing online or call (877) 887-7611.
Author: +Brian Shilling
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…