Categories: Marketing Strategy

Juggling a website redesign? 5 pro tips you may have overlooked

Launching a new website is hard work. 

Juggling the technical requirements, writing search-friendly copy, designing a compelling user experience, and optimizing your lead generation strategy can make you feel like all your balls are in the air—because they are!

Following are five pro tips to make sure you don’t drop the ball.

5 advanced tips to make your B2B website redesign a success

Here’s a part of the framework our B2B healthcare technology marketing agency uses to guide our clients through the process efficiently and with an eye toward helping them reach their marketing goals.

  • Start with a stylescape. Have a defined look and feel before starting the design heavy lifting, and make sure your leadership team and other internal stakeholders are on board. This will give your site a uniform look and help streamline the design process.
  • Interview current customers and internal stakeholders. Because your current customers are most similar to your prospective customers, asking for their input on the messaging, user experience, and navigation is some of the best real-world feedback you can get. Additionally, reach out to your customer success team, as they’ve likely heard from your customers about what’s easy (or not so easy) to find on your company website.
  • Revisit your SEO keywords and rankings. If your target audience didn’t know your company’s name, could they find you by Googling what you do? For many companies, the answer is no. Rewriting your copy to improve your rankings is essential to any website redesign. Check out our tips for how to write website copy for SEO.
  • Dive into your data. Understanding which pages of your website get the most traffic, have the most time on page, and which leads to the most conversions is essential to knowing what resonates with your target audience. Use this information to improve upon what’s already working.
  • Have a clear marketing automation strategy. For many B2B companies, one of the primary goals of a website redesign is to increase lead generation. How you collect email addresses and contact information, from forms to chatbots, should be baked into your design and copy.

Bonus tip: Don’t forget about a 301 redirect map! Ever seen a 404 page? That means the URL no longer exists. Instead of trying to track down everywhere the old URL exists online, add a redirect so that your visitors always land on a live page.

Is your web presence ready for the big top?

Is your web presence ready to take center ring? We can help.

Learn about our B2B website redesign services.

Note: This blog post was originally posted in July 2020, and has been updated to reflect new information.

Melanie Hilliard

Melanie is an Account Director and Content Lead at Clarity Quest. Nothing makes her heart sing more than fantastic marketing. To learn more about Melanie's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.