Check out some of the great B2B and marketing posts we’ve read this week. There is some great and helpful information within all of these so give them a quick read! Feel free to share posts that you’ve read this week also.
The Most Entertaining Guide to Landing Page Optimization You’ll Ever Read
The web page that a visitor first lands on could make or break your conversion. If you want your potential customer to convert, check out Oli Gardner’s great tips for optimizing headlines, copy, and calls-to-action.
Escape Google With These 12 Search Engine Alternatives
Are you sick of Google’s monopoly on search engines? Chuck Price offers this great article about 12 different search engines including some which have niche purposes that could offer you better and more specialized results.
Should You Syndicate Your Blog to Get More Traffic & Leads?
Have you always been afraid of syndication because of a possible Google penalty and reduced traffic to your site? Well, Salma Jafri is here to let you know that syndication can be done the right way, and you can reap the benefits quickly!
5 Reasons to Include Polling in Your Social Media Strategy
Polling is a great way to get feedback from your customers without having to spend lots of money. Customers get to take part in an interactive experience, and you can learn about your site and products. Travis Bernard offers some awesome benefits of polling and recommends some polling tools for you to try out in this great read!
Why Small Business Should Care About Native Advertising
Native advertising and content marketing go hand in hand. Content marketers use native advertising to increase brand awareness and social engagement. Adam Stetzer offers great information about the benefits and growth of native advertising. Worth the read.
Organic Social Media: Why Marketers Must Join the Conversations
Social media presence is essential for marketers. Content discovery is one of the most popular uses of social media meaning that marketers need to be creating interesting and useful content. Nathan Safran shares great suggestions on how to reach customers through social networks!
Common Marketing Mistakes To Avoid On Twitter
Are you still not sure if you’re using Twitter to market your brand the right way? There are some common mistakes to avoid and Tabitha Naylor shares them all.
7 Key Website Features That Are Helping Businesses Generate Leads
Are you designing a new website for your business? Check out this article by Sam Elliott and make sure that you aren’t missing any crucial elements that could help attract customers to your site!
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…