Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
Women in Company Leadership Tied to Stronger Profits
A recent study conducted by The Peterson Institute for International Economics revealed an increase in the share of female management personnel from zero to 30 percent is often associated with a 15% rise in company profits. In addition, offering flexible paternity leave policies allows for a greater gender balance in professional roles.
Trust and Responsiveness Key to B2B Buyers’ Perception of Vendor Relationships
According to a recent LinkedIn study, almost half of B2B buyers feel their relationships with vendors are growing stronger. The key reasons reported for maintaining strong relationships were the vendor’s knowledge of the company’s business model, responsiveness, personal relationships, and trust.
The Mythical 10x Marketer
Seth Godin explains how exceptional marketers can increase their value 10 times beyond the typical marketing person. Excellent marketers demonstrate confidence, generosity, and the willingness to let go of projects that aren’t working. He advises, “Don’t play the game, change the game.”
Health IT Interoperability Standards Released By ONC
The 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory was published in December. This article outlines the most significant structural and characteristic changes. These standards are intended to improve technology in order to create better and more cost-efficient healthcare overall.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…