Check out some of the great business, healthcare, and technology content we’ve found this week. Each of these pieces contains some valuable information, so give them a quick view! If you have an interesting article to share, add it to the comments section below. This week, take a look at what we discovered about this year’s Super Bowl ads.
While most watch the Super Bowl for the game, some watch it for the commercials. Unfortunately enough for brands, they appear to be falling short of consumer expectations. In fact, 74% of the brands with placement in the Super Bowl wouldn’t be missed if they were to disappear. Is building brand “meaningfulness” the next big game?
The use of hashtags has been steadily declining since its peak in 2014 and it didn’t go unnoticed in the Super Bowl 51 commercials. Since 2014, this is the first time URLs were featured in commercials more than hashtags. Advertisers realized the key to recognition and increased traffic directly to their own site.
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Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…