Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
B2C and B2B Marketers Name Their Most Important Social Platforms
Explore different platforms of social media marketing, ranked in adoption and effectiveness by marketers.
Simple Steps for Conducting Creative Content Research
Hannah Smith’s post on the Moz blog advises marketers on research methods to establish creative content that targets consumers.
Google Exec Says B-to-B Marketers Need to ‘Change Our Game’
Jim Lewinski highlights the value of creating a mobile experience to better reach millennial B2B buyers.
3 Essential Principles For Growing Your Business in the Age of Technology
Building relationships remains critical to success. Learn tips to maintain lasting professional connections.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…