Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
Why Do Consumers Share Content Online?
Adobe’s recent “State of Content” report revealed approximately 64% of consumers share content online. The majority of respondents indicated their top reason for sharing content online was to make others in their network laugh. Many respondents reported companies that use humor in online content were more relatable.
Surefire Predictions
As the New Year begins, many individuals write down goals and predictions for the upcoming year. In this post, Seth Godin provides 18 realistic predictions for 2016. One significant prediction is, “You’ll say or write something that will shine a light, open a door and make a connection.” Seth’s choices remind readers to remain conscientious of their surroundings and actions.
Facebook Tests Interest-Specific News Feeds on Mobile
Facebook is currently testing interest-specific news feeds for mobile-device users. This feature will allow individuals to view news articles by category. Facebook users can customize these feeds to display only topics or sources of interest, making Facebook a more personalized experience.
Hospital CIO David Chou’s Top 3 Focuses for 2016
This post describes the main 3 issues IT leaders must prepare for in 2016. These focuses are mega-mergers or affiliations, emerging technologies, and data security. Maintaining and protecting patient privacy remains a strong priority for healthcare leaders in the next year.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…