Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
A Surgery Center That Doubles as an Idea Lab
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on the Upper East Side of Manhattan is implementing innovative methods to improve the patient experience, update healthcare technology, and enhance data tracking ability. For example, patients are given tracking badges so that caregivers can quickly come to their exact location to provide needed assistance. These technology improvements allow patients to have greater control over their hospital experience. However, hospitals can implement this technology without obtaining patient consent since it is intended to improve medical quality. Some individuals may feel the data tracking is an invasion of their personal privacy.
Ten Brand Ideas Creativity Loved in 2015
This article highlights ten of the most moving and creative advertising spots from the past year. These ads appeal to viewers’ emotions to deliver meaningful and impactful messages. One of the featured ads is the Samsung, “Look at Me” campaign, where the company developed an app to help children with autism improve their skills for reading emotions through facial expressions by practicing with digital photos.
Decoding “Who Is It For?”
In this article, Seth Godin explains the importance of identifying your audience and values before developing your product. Marketers must understand the fears, values, beliefs, and needs of their audience. Seth states,”The marketer can change her story, but she can’t easily change the worldview of the person she seeks to sell to.” Businesses should begin with identifying their audience and then continue by developing messaging and products custom for their intended audience.
Google’s Top Trending Searches of 2015, and Other Year-in-Review Lists
This list outlines the top trending Google searches from 2015. Top search categories include movies, well-known people, and world events. Some popular topics include marriage equality, politicians, consumer technology, and “how to” questions.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…