Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
Mobile to Surpass Print in US Media Ad Spend This Year
It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of advertising media budgets will be spent on digital this year. Mobile marketing makes up a large portion of digital media budgets.
Ahalogy Launches Liftwords™ for Pinterest
Ahalogy, a Pinterest developer has created Liftwords, a content optimization technology that makes it easier for marketers to track Pinterest analytics. Liftwords suggests keywords that work in search and social media to help marketers create targetted content.
Live Streaming Apps – the future of Content Marketing?
Live streaming apps such as Periscope and Meerkat are becoming increasingly popular among marketers. Businesses can use these tools for product launches, annual reports, behind-the-scenes reveals, and much more. Is your business effectively utilizing live streaming tools to connect with customers?
LinkedIn revealed as the most effective B2B social platform
The 2015 Social Media Benchmark report revealed LinkedIn as the most effective B2B platform for reaching marketing goals. This report also revealed Twitter is the most used platform for B2B marketing.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…