Check out some of the great B2B marketing posts we’ve read this week. There is some great and helpful information within all of these so give them a quick read! Feel free to share posts that you’ve read this week also.
Here is what we’ve been reading:
Goodbye, Exact and Phrase Match Keywords. Now What?
Exact Match and Broad Match Keywords are no longer a part of AdWords. Larry Kim shares how this change will affect users and the benefits that can be expected!
What Marketing Executives Say About Content Targeting
Nathan Safran shares insight into how businesses should be creating content. Whether your business uses the quantity or the quality content approach check out this post for some great information!
How to Properly Analyze Ad Text Performance
Analyzing ad text correctly is essential! Justin Freid shares some great tips for how to analyze ad text part by part so as not to miss out on important details!
What to Include (& Leave Off) Your Homepage
Homepages provide the first impression a customer will have of your business. Lisa Barone provides some helpful tips for what to provide on your homepage and what is better left out. Check it out!
How to Use Facebook for Targeted Content Promotion
Facebook is a great platform for advertising. Paddy Moogan shares how Facebook can be used to target custom audiences based on your content and provides some other great tips for utilizing Facebook’s cost-effective advertising tools.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…