Check out some of the great business, healthcare, and technology content we’ve found recently. Each of these pieces contains some valuable information, so give them a quick view! If you have an interesting article to share, feel free to add it to the comments section below. This week we researched content marketing strategies, ways to fix the social disconnect, and expectations of business buyers.
As a marketer, you understand the value of producing high-quality content. Doing that all the time though is more robust than it sounds. You may run out of ideas, feel like your content is repetitive, or not feel like you’re reaching your target audience. Today, there’s more content than ever floating around the world wide web, so how do you stand out?
This infographic includes reinforcing statistics of why content marketing is essential as well as how to produce solid content, fresh ideas, and more! What is your content marketing strategy?
Marketers need to understand how to use social analytics: social data does not equate to social success, but social data does offer business insight. Facebook admitted in a white paper that over 90% of the offline sales driven by Facebook ads come from people that don’t engage, yet 58% of social marketers say engagement is their most crucial success metric. Dive deeper into how to effectively use social media data through this article.
Studies show that more than 8 in 10 business buyers want the same experience as when they’re buying for themselves. Additionally, two-thirds of business buyers expect an Amazon-like experience. Check out this article and chart about opinions across generations around the buyers’ expectations for a consumer-like experience.
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Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…