Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some excellent information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
What are you Competing On?
In this insightful post, Seth Godin reminds readers to focus on the one area of business that best matches their values and goals. Seth says, “In any competitive market, be prepared to invest your heart and soul and focus on the thing you compete on. Might as well choose something you can live with, a practice that allows you to thrive.” This article is a reminder to reflect on your goals regularly.
How to Prepare your Website for Google Algorithm Update
Learn some great tips for keeping up with Google’s algorithm changes. Adapting to these algorithm shifts promptly is necessary to ensure your site continues to rank well in searches. Voice and conversational search are predicted to continue growing in importance for search engines. Marketers can prepare for the increasing importance of voice searches by focusing on creating quality content and mobile-friendly websites.
What Do US Consumers See As Their Core Drivers of Satisfaction With Companies?
According to a recent survey from Accenture Strategy, consumers highly value customer service, product quality, and trust. These conditions ranked higher in importance to consumers than product selection and personalized experiences. Check out this article to learn more about attitudes towards customer service.
Instagrammers Really Want you to Turn on Notifications to Avoid Death by Algorithm
As more users and brands enter the Instagram space, the platform is becoming crowded and noisy. Instagram’s new algorithm changes will filter posts for individual viewers, similar to the way Facebook filters content. Many users on this platform are concerned the algorithm change will hide their content from their current followers. Instagram believes the relationship between the poster and the viewer is an important indication for predicting the relevance of posts.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…