Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
Will the CMO Role Fade with the Rise of the Chief Marketing Technologist?
Learn how the prevalence of data and technology in marketing may affect traditional job roles. The Chief Marketing Technologist role appears to be growing in upcoming years.
5 Bite-Sized Social Media Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs to Try
Explore these simple tips for creative social media posts and interactions. Learn how your brand can stand out on Twitter and Instagram.
Email Subject Line Analysis: How Well Do Popular Terms Fare?
This study analyzed the click-rates of 300 keywords, separated by industry. This report is based on a sample of 125,000 email campaigns.
The Problem With Satisfied Patients
Alexandra Robbins highlights the importance of hospitals focusing on health and wellness as opposed to only patient satisfaction. Patients should be well-informed and prepared.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…