Check out some of the great marketing and business posts we’ve read this week. Each of these posts contains some great information, so give them a quick read! Feel free to add your favorite post of the week to the comments section below.
7 Marketing Cheat Sheets You’ll Use Again and Again
Check out these resources designed to make aspects of your marketing strategy easier to execute. These resources include a buyer process mapping template, an SEO cheat sheet, and 140 call to action buttons.
Google Shares Black Friday Location Data for Marketers
Google planned a variety of updates for this holiday season. Recently, Google began showing advertisers the keywords individuals had searched before clicking on their ads. Updates also include showing marketers more detailed data on in-store visits.
The “Need for Speed”
Page loading speed is essential for maintaining site visits and encouraging purchases on e-commerce websites. A recent Radware case study revealed, 75% of consumers are willing to visit competitor sites instead of waiting on a slow loading page.
Disappearing Act: Twitter Pulls Share Counts From Tweet Buttons
Twitter recently removed their share count feature to simplify the platform. Many publishers are upset about this action and often used share numbers to track conversations and content popularity.
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…