Check out some of the great B2B marketing posts we’ve read this week. There is some great and helpful information within all of these so give them a quick read! Feel free to share posts that you’ve read this week also.
Getting Inspired: 5 Ideas to Help Refresh Your Ad Copy
Need some new ideas for creating ad copy? Check out these great tips from Diane Pease! She shares some great ways that you can gain a new perspective and start creating!
Don’t Forget to Invest in Content (Not Just “Content Marketing”)
Lisa Barone stresses the importance of the content that businesses are creating. The content your business creates must be purposeful, and she shares some great reasons why that is!
Four Reasons Google+ Might Still Be Alive After All
Google has some great things going for them with the acquisition of a company and new technology coming out so check out this post by Dan Cristo and learn more about why Google+ is still important!
Link Source in Google Knowledge Graph is Something of a Coin Toss
Here is an interesting post by Ashley Zeckman about Google search and how link sources are chosen to be included or excluded. Check it out!
7 Reasons Your SEO Campaign Will Fail and What You Can Do About It
Make sure your SEO campaign will accomplish what you want it to by asking yourself these seven questions that Jay Taylor suggests!
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…