When executives are working with a limited marketing budget, they want to be confident their spending will lead to positive results. Choosing the right marketing mix requires comparing the potential returns of each channel.
Executives considering a public relations investment should evaluate both the quantity and quality of editorial placements available. Public relations can include company messaging, positioning statements, media outreach, trade show participation and booth draw, content distribution, and regular communication with customers and stakeholders. Why should you devote valuable resources to public relations?
New products and services typically require extra promotions to gain market traction. Among marketing experts, PR is a well-respected discipline for launching new products, building awareness, generating word of mouth, and raising reputation. In fact, 72% of senior-level marketers believe public relations is the most valuable platform for supporting product launches. Apple is an excellent model of how to use PR to launch a product. They use announcements to get thought leaders speculating about a product before it even enters the market. This strategy builds a buzz among customers and allows the company to sell millions of products on launch day.
Public relations can help businesses drive product awareness, influence perceptions, establish differences from competitors, increase customers willingness to consider the product, assure positive purchase experiences, and develop lasting brand preferences. Over time, regular content distribution can build a loyal following.
Companies can use media platforms to mold their perception and image. Many consumers regularly interact with digital media outlets. By going where the target audience already is, marketers can deliver relevant messages at the right times. Content that is well-researched and helps solve problems is especially valuable for building positive brand associations. In fact, 92% of consumers worldwide say they trust earned media sources!
View our infographic below to learn how you can use public relations to drive sales:
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<a href='https://www.clarityqst.com/library/infographics/driving-sales-with- pr/'><img src='https://www.clarityqst.com/wp- content/uploads/2016/07/infographic-driving-sales-with-public-relations- clarity-quest.jpg' alt='Driving Sales with PR Infographic'/></a><br/> Via: <a href='https://www.clarityqst.com'>Clarity Quest Marketing</a>
Note: This blog post was originally published September 20, 2021, and has been updated…